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About the Gig...

Years ago, local Memphis musicians were gathered around a bar after a less-than-packed, to say the least, gig at a local Memphis club. The club was relatively new and near the University of Memphis and it wasn't like the band sucked--no reason for people not to be there. The only reason that they could think of was that people just didn't know they would be playing there. They had done all they could think to do to drive hits through the website but still no one seemed to know. What if there were one definitive source for all live music listings in town? There were others around, but they were never updated or had their info correct and practically never had all the bands listed at once. What if there were a way to list everything going on and not charge the bands for it?

Now there is.

Gig Memphis was born from this simple idea. Find someone else to foot the bill for struggling musicians to get the word out. Develop one all-inclusive source that didn't discriminate against different cliques of bands and musicians. Create a way for everyone with as little as a microphone and a music stand to develop an audience for themselves. Most of all contribute a little back to the community by getting the Memphis music scene organized. If we get better organized, those who work hard will get rewarded. People will now know where to look for the music and will no longer end up spending the night listening to the same three chords over and over.

But Gig Memphis isn't all just about the when and where. We also strive to tell the public the who, how, and the why. Get the city of Memphis to pay attention to who is supplying the music and to realize that they are not just supplying background noise. Some musicians do it for the chicks, but most have a story to tell. Most dedicate hard work and hours of time to provide entertainment, but also share a piece of who they are. Now the public has a way to listen to what goes on in music between the gigs.

If you are a musician...

This is the place for you! Tell us who you are, where you will be and when you will be there--we will tell everyone else. Tell us the how and the why you got to where you are. People want to know, I promise you. Other musicians might look to you as well. You never know who you might help just by being who you are. Tell everyone else to do the same. Contact us because we want to know about you!

If you love live music...

Take advantage of the information given to you. These musicians do what they do for you! Pay attention to these musicians. Pay your five dollars, listen to the band and clap when the song is over. Get to know your local music and come back to the website next weekend to find out where they will be next.