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Spread the Word

Thank you to all who are helping make this the #1 source for all live music listings in Memphis. Click on the link above and you can find MySpace banners and also links for your site. Let your friends know about us here at!

Submit Band Info:

Please fill out as much as you can. In the future we will be entering all of this into a database so please enter info in the syntax given. The red fields denote information we will not share with anyone. Even if your creditors threaten us with our lives.

If you have already filled out the contact info and band member info, we don't want it again. Just put the band name and fill out the schedule.

Band name:


Email Address:

Contact Name:

Contact Number:

MySpace url:


Genre: Check all that apply

Rock Alternative Metal Rap
Punk Blues Jazz Party/Cover
R&B Emo Acoustic Experimental



Band Members: Name - Position (e.g. "John Doe - Lead Singer")

1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10



Month of:

Date, Full Name of Venue, Time
(e.g. "00/00/00, TJ Mulligan's Cordova, 00:00a-00:00p) --One per cell

If you have more than 20 gigs in Memphis per month, first, call us up and tell us how you did it and second, fill out another form or put 21+ in the comment section below.



Got a special event coming up? Got a new cd coming out? Wanna tell us that your cat died? This would be the place for that extra info.