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Lovapalooza and

Long ago when we were planning this website, this is the exact kind of event that we knew we would cover. Great local music that not everyone would have known about. We knew that when we let people know about things happening in town the cream would rise to the top and no one would miss a show again. As it turns out, we didn't get things rolling soon enough to promote Lovapalooza in Hernando, MS, but the show certainly didn't suffer because of it. We just wish we could have let more people know about it so they could have experienced exactly what we did--Memphis Music at its finest. No fancy light shows, no huge ticket prices, just good rock and roll south of the border, with the occasional pyrotechnic.

LovapaloozaWhen we got to Love's, we weren't quite sure what to expect. After plotting it out on my trusty Google maps, we headed out and, of course, got lost. But fear not, there is always a Hernando Police officer to come to the rescue. He told us that Love's was beside the Save-a-lot, but it seemed to be part of it. Wondering what kind of show we would see in the back end of a grocery store, we paid our cover and made our way to the back of the crowd.

Just barely 7:00, the place was already packed and we had to hang out in the back by the bar. Crazy and the Crutch were just finishing up and by the sound of the "Voodoo Chile" on stage I was already upset I had missed the beginning of the show. After ripping solos with his guitar behind his back the singer thanked us for coming out and the band made their way off stage. I wished they would have played one or two more for those of us fools that trust Google.

Hip Boot JoeDuring sound check for the next band we commented on the fact that one of the guys from the next band was tuning up a fiddle and also a mandolin. After playing the violin for almost 20 years and the mandolin the last two, I knew he knew exactly what to do with them. Hip Boot Joe started up with one of their originals and I thought that it would be mostly country. But oh, was I so pleasantly suprised. We were just about knocked off of our feet by all kinds of music from TuPac's "California Love," complete with talk-box, to Journey, to Gavin DeGraw's "I Don't Wanna Be." Flawless guitar solos, tight harmonies, sensational vocals and top-notch musicianship kept us mesmorized for the entire set and I didn't want them to stop. The best thing about Hip Boot Joe was the fact that they had the best time of anybody in the bar. When the band has fun, the crowd has fun. Sometimes when the night gets long and you get worn down, you forget about that--I know. But Hip Boot Joe kept rockin' it out, full-blast, the entire time and the energy, in what might have one-time been the produce section, about blew the roof off. And I drank to that, twice.

Gabby JohnsonIf you look hard enough, you can find talent to rival any on the radio right here in your backyard. You shouldn't have to look too hard to find Gabby Johnson after nine years in town, but when you find them the talent pours off of the stage. Blending their classic rock with contemporary sounds make their albums some of the best and win them battle of the bands all over town. Spending a lot of time on the road, it was truly an experience to catch them at Love's. Being from MS originally, they were close to home and undoubtedly in their element. Maintaining that energy they rocked us to the close of the show with everything from their originals to Pearl Jam and I must say that Juno (guitar) could win any Limbo contest in town. If you have never seen Gabby Johnson before, you need to. Check our "Find a gig" page and see them the very next opportunity you have. It's some of the best local music around from the pros who have been doing it and doing it and doing it well for years.

Lovapalooza JamAs if that wasn't enough to go home happy, all of them got back up on stage for an hour long encore. No set-list, no plans, just "hey, let's play some music and have a good time." Hip Boot Joe and Gabby combined for songs like "The Devil Went Down to Georgia," "Family Tradition," by Hank Jr. and even new stuff like "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter. I wanted to stay but eventually they kicked everyone out and told us to go home and I don't think that anyone wasn't exhausted from such energy. I bought every album the grocery store had to offer that night and have cranked them ever since.

Lovapalooza JamIf you should happen not to get lost, find your way to see Hip Boot Joe or Gabby Johnson before they hit the road again. Even if you have seen them before, you will be suprised for musicians like these will always keep you guessing with the perfect balance of fresh and classic. It is rumored that Hip Boot Joe will be leaving soon to go to Louisiana, but they might have shows at a local casino before that. Check 'em out fast. Tell them you read about them in the gig.


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